So, I'm bummed. This hurts. And, it sucks because I was having a good couple of days of working out.
Overuse? I don't think so. After missing the run on Saturday morning, I went to our local gym and rode a recumbant bike for 50 min on an easy setting - focusing on my 90 cadence. Then, swimming at the Lab School with Todd et al on Sunday, back home for a nap, a 30 min run at a 12 min/mile pace (slow). Monday morning brought my commute into work via bike and then off to the gym at lunch.
Back at my desk, around 3pm, my knee locks up on me. I can barely move it, barely bend or put weight on it. That's no good - I still need to get home and my bike is the only way that's going to happen.
So, I take my time - warm it up, use my "good" leg for propulsion, and cut my pace by 3/4th. An hour and a half later, I get home. I join 'Team I' - Ice and Ibuprofin and take the evening off.
So, as I awake, the knee is stiff but the more I use it, the better it feels. I worked from home today so I could continue to ice it. I can walk, do steps painlessly, get out of my desk chair w/o too much discomfort. My thought is that I've probably hyper-extended it and a few days off will make it better.
I've consulted with my internist - and he's referred me to an Ortho. So, I'm calling tomorrow morning to see what's going on. Not taking any chances....
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