But, if the secret to getting ahead is getting started....let's begin...

First, a review. After finishing the TNT program and the Philadelphia race, I did two other races
in '08 - Montclair and Nation's. Montclair was more than a sprint, less than an international distance race - and was really, really hot. Several other TNT'ers joined me for that race. generally a fun course.
Nation's was a lesson learned. I relied on my base fitness to get me through it - thinking that alate September race would be a nice way to spend the day. I maintained most of my training but didn't dedicate. Unfortunately, Mother Nature got in the way. Weather the day of the race was a very unusual 95F with humidity in the 90's also. It was miserable. I saw several racers getting IV's on the course, a biker almost go over the side of Whitehurst freeway, and lots of people suffering. I was one of them. I hurt the entire race. Swim was hard, Bike was painful - back and legs were aching. And, the run was not fun. The lap around Hains Point was one of the more un-fun things I've done.

The finish pictures are pretty funny. Along with all the TNT'ers raising their hands in triumph, I limp across the finish line, holding my leg like I've been shot. Hot, exhausted, in much pain - I was swarmed by EMT folks thinking I was having heat stroke or a heart attack. When I brushed them off and said "cramp! cramp!" - they all but disappeared. I think there were molks folks in more dire straits that day.
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